June 2012


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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 9 Jun 2012 22:20:34 -0400376_iso-8859-1 Our resident Grackles regularly kill House Finches and occasionally House
Sparrows this time of year and I presume they are feeding their
nestlings/fledglings. I once saw a Grackle repeatedly attack and then
carry off a fledgling Starling. I wouldn't have thought a Grackle could
take off with that much weight.

Lisa Rainsong
Cleveland Heights48_9Jun201222:20:[log in to unmask]
Sat, 2 Jun 2012 15:31:26 -0400
text/plain (113 lines)
2012-06-02  Hoover Nature Preserve 
This  morning we launched the SS Hoover with Captain Shaune Skinner at the 
helm. We  were joined by Andy Schneider and the three of us had as a primary 
goal to  locate Prothonotary Warbler territories by boat that I would not 
be able to by  land. The other birds were pure gravy for us although we were 
heavy on the gravy  today. We covered areas along Big Walnut Creek and 
Little Walnut Creek locating  25 new Prothonotary Warbler territories. Some of 
the male Prothonotaries came in  close and provided us with terrific views. To 
date it looks to be an excellent  year for the Prothonotaries at Hoover 
In  the gravy department we tallied 57 species. The list was highlighted by 
watching  one adult Bald eagle on the nest and the second soaring overhead 
and then  landing close to the nest. It appeared that the adult on the nest 
was occupied  with feeding chores.  We observed  5-6 Ospreys at different 
areas including the pair at Platform #2 at Area M, a  pair near White-tailed 
Deer Island and several single birds as we sailed along.  Could there be a 
third nest lurking on Hoover this year? Overhead we counted 3  Broad-winged 
Hawks and 2 Red-shouldered Hawks.  
Waterfowl  included 6 male Wood Ducks. Great Blue Heron numbers were lower 
than expected  but we managed to locate 4 Green Herons. 
Shaune  was pleased when one of the two Yellow-billed Cuckoos we located 
was cooperative  and provided us with excellent views out in the open. When it 
tucked back into  the greenery I did my take on a Yellow-billed Cuckoo 
call. It brought the cuckoo  back into the open but some nearby fishermen 
probably thought that I completely  lost it. 
We  located 4 separate Red-headed Woodpecker nest sites in the Area N area 
to go  along with the additional site I located earlier in an area far from 
the creek.  They seem to be having a very good year at the preserve. 
Cliff  Swallow numbers are good under the bridge on Old 3-C Highway as it 
enters Galena  Square. We estimated the current number at about 25-30. The 
colony is building  back up after the old bridge was torn down and replaced 
just a couple of years  ago. 
In  addition to the Prothonotary Warblers we only located 3-4 Northern 
Parula on  territory and we heard but one Yellow Warbler. The latter wasn’t 
unexpected as  the habitat is really not right for them along the two creeks. I 
was surprised  not to find any Yellow-throated Warblers or Louisiana 
Waterthrush. Both are  usually present along Big Walnut Creek. 
Baltimore  Orioles were abundant and their colors were rich when they 
perched in the  sunlight. 
It  was really nice weather to sail in, especially after the brutal heat of 
last  weekend. Shaune and Andy made for great company while leisurely 
birding by boat.  A complete list of the birds located by boat today  follows. 
Charlie  Bombaci 
Hoover  Nature Preserve, Delaware County 
Double-crested  Cormorant 
Great  Blue Heron 
Green  Heron 
Turkey  Vulture 
Canada  Goose 
Wood  Duck    
Bald  Eagle     
Red-shouldered  Hawk         
Broad-winged  Hawk 
Red-tailed  Hawk 
Ring-billed  Gull 
Mourning  Dove 
Yellow-billed  Cuckoo 
Chimney  Swift 
Ruby-throated  Hummingbird 
Belted  Kingfisher 
Red-headed  Woodpecker 
Red-bellied  Woodpecker 
Downy  Woodpecker 
Northern  Flicker 
Eastern  Wood-Pewee 
Acadian  Flycatcher 
Eastern  Phoebe 
Great  Crested Flycatcher 
Warbling  Vireo 
Red-eyed  Vireo 
Blue  Jay 
American  Crow 
Tree  Swallow 
Northern  Rough-winged Swallow 
Bank  Swallow 
Cliff  Swallow 
Barn  Swallow 
Carolina  Chickadee 
Tufted  Titmouse 
White-breasted  Nuthatch 
House  Wren 
Eastern  Bluebird 
American  Robin 
Gray  Catbird 
European  Starling 
Cedar  Waxwing 
Northern  Parula 
Yellow  Warbler 
Prothonotary  Warbler 
Song  Sparrow 
Northern  Cardinal 
Indigo  Bunting 
Red-winged  Blackbird 
Common  Grackle 
Brown-headed  Cowbird 
Baltimore  Oriole 
American  Goldfinch 
House  Sparrow


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