September 2013


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rob thorn <[log in to unmask]>
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rob thorn <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 14 Sep 2013 21:38:42 -0400
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I used my few hours this morning to check out the different riparian corridors of 3-Creeks Park in south Columbus.  I made a broad arc from Heron Pond south along Alum Creek to the Borrow Pits and Confluence area, then northeast along Blacklick Creek to the Groveport Blacklick Bikepath.  Early morning had a good fallout, with lots of warblers, vireos, and thrushes; most activity tapered off after 10:00.  The Borrow Pits along the path south of I-270 are drying down nicely, and had fiar numbers of shorebirds and waterfowl.  Notables for the morning included

cormorants - 2 flyovers at the Confluence area
Waterfowl - the Borrow Pits had 60 Mallards, 15 Wood Ducks, and 2 Blue-winged Teal
Shorebirds - the Borrow Pits had 30 Kildeer, 2 Solitary Spr, 1 Gr.Yellowlegs, 7 L.Yellowlegs, 1 Pectoral, 1 Semipalmated Spr
Chimney Swifts - a flock of 30+ was feeding over Turtle Pond in the Confluence area
Pileated Woodpeckers - single individuals were along the Confluecne Trail and the Groveport Blacklick Bikepath
Flycatchers - Wood Pewees at many locations; Acadians at Confluence Area and GBBP, Willow at Confluence area, Phoebe at footbridge over Big Walnut Creek

Swallows - small flocks of Rough-wings were at several locations, topped by 30 at Heron Pond, where there were 2 Barn Swallows as well

Vireos - good morning for Red-eyed & Warbling, with 8-10 of each over many sites. 2 White-eyeds were calling at the Confluence area, while a Yellow-throated was off the Confluence Trail near the Borrow Pits

Thrushes - Swainson's widepsread, with 20+ over the morning. Wood Trhsues were at the Confluence area and the Borrow Pits, while Gray-cheeked were at the Borrow Pits and the GBBP

Mimids - Catbirds common and widespread. 2 Brown Thrashers were at the Borrow Pits area.
Cedar Waxwings - small flocks everywhere, the largest being 70+ birds around the Borrow Pits

Warblers - 12 species, including Parulas (4), Tennessee, Magnolias (4), Chesnut-sided (3), Cape May (5), Black-thr.Green (5), Bay-breasted (2), Blackpoll (6), American Redstart (10+), Ovenbird, Common Yellowthroats (5), Wilson's, plus perhaps 30+ unidentified. Many warblers were around the Confluence area in the early morning.

Buntings,Grosbeaks - 2 Indigo Buntings and 3 Rose-br.Grosbeaks around the Confluence area early
Sparrows - nothing other than a few small flocks of Fields and Chippings, and the expected scattering of Song Sparrows
Bobolinks - 2 flyovers at the grasslands east of the Confluence area seemed a bit late


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