March 2016


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Without commenting much about them, I attach an old slice of posts to
this list from about 15 years ago. I would be interested to hear what
readers--folks who wrote and read during those years, and those who have
done so only recently--think about them. I would be interested what
folks think about how posts to ohiobirds have changed since then,
perhaps some ideas about why, and if you think the exchange about
knowledge and news has changed, and if so how. [...][log in to unmask]
Mon, 28 Mar 2016 09:38:33 -0400
text/plain (38 lines)
Spending my Easter Sunday morning worshipping at BNP, I found these

Many field sparrows
Numerous fox sparrows
1 savannah sparrow
1 rusty blackbird
2 pairs of eastern meadowlarks
1 red breasted nuthatch
6 killdeers
bluebirds galore
4 hairy woodpeckers - including 2 males fighting over a female
strong numbers of n. flickers
lots of noisy cowbirds
tree swallows at every nest box

NO golden crowned kinglets found

What I also didn't find was the boardwalk into the tamarack bog that is
supposedly completed and open to the public. No signs, no new trails that I
saw. Wasn't on the map at the trailhead, either. Anyone know anything about
this? Where does the trail to bog start?

Karen Gray
Summit Co.


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