Hi all -

A really quick (20 min) stop at Avon Lake Power Plant (2:30 p.m. to 2:50
p.m.) turned up few birds, but I landed just in time to catch sweet sights
of a single subadult PARASITIC JAEGER making several entertaining acrobatic
pursuits towards a group of 50+ gulls. Exceedingly close to shore, the
jaeger put on quite a show as it hounded Ring-billed Gulls in aerial dance.
It took a few passes at several birds, then pumped away from the 'harbor'
and headed due west.

Max numbers of gulls totalled only 500-600, with small numbers of
Bonaparte's in the mix (30-40). The only waterfowl sp. for the stop was
Red-breasted Merganser, represented by several dozen passing flocks of 25-50
birds at a time. Nothing in the way of the spectacular totals currently
found at Eastlake (thoouuuusands of mergs).

Upwards of 20+ Common Loons were very visible and feeding very actively
within the 'harbor' area, and farther out onto the lake. A single fishing
Pied-billed Grebe and a Belted Kingfisher, hunkered on the breakwall, were
also noted.

I can't remember a time when jaegers (Pomarines and Parasitics) were in such
good supply here on the Erie front. Within the past couple of weeks,
observers have been striking gold with multiple 'Poms and Parasites', often
at the same location(s)...for instance, days with SEVEN total jaegers found
by multiple parties at different locations. If there was a season/year to
get up to the lake and attempt to find one or two of these way-cool
larid-bombarders, the time is at hand. Good luck to you.

Between Avon Lake, Rocky River, Edgewater and Cleveland Lakefront State
Park, Sim's Park in Euclid, Headlands/Fairport, Perry, and Painseville, the
possibilities for setting up at 'overlooks' are just grand.

jen brumfield
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akron, ohio

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