Sorry, I failed to mention the location again.  All sightings have been at the corner of Sager and Wilkins Roads.  This is at the east edge of Oak Openings Metropark, just west of the Toledo Express Airport, Lucas County.

Greg Links
------Original Message------
From: Greg Links
Sender: Ohio birds
To: [log in to unmask]
ReplyTo: Greg Links
Sent: Apr 6, 2009 9:29 PM
Subject: [Ohio-birds] The Mountain Bluebird Plot Thickens

Ohio Birders,

I received a rather excitable call tonight from Martha Johns, someone I know reasonably well.  She had been unaware of the Mountain Bluebird report from the Oak Openings yesterday until she called the NW Ohio phone hotline today.  She and her friend Evelyn saw a bird earlier in the day yesterday that they dismissed as an aberrant Eastern Bluebird because a Mountain Bluebird just "couldn't be".  Yet, she perfectly described Mountain Bluebird, and I now have little doubt that it is a legitimate report.  Martha knew what it was, but she was just not confident enough to call it.  After speaking with her, I am pretty sure she will write it up for the OBRC as Mountain Bluebird (as well she should).

Also, the thread on sparked a reply from Dan Barda who volunteers at the window on wildlife in Oak Openings and drives by this location frequently.  He says he saw the bird on 3/30 and 4/4.  Again, I know Dan - and like Martha, he is a bit inexperienced but certainly not unreliable.

For what its worth, I think this report is good and with the weather the way it has been, the bird certainly could still be hanging around.

Any and all effort to relocate this good bird will be appreciated.

Please call me directly with any positive sightings.  My phone number is 419-367-1094.  I sure hope I can get out there tomorrow!!

Greg Links
Somewhere Near Toledo


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