While taking a run around South Bass Island this morning, I noticed alot of 
small bird activity. At about every stop, there were at least 3-4 brown 
creepers in view at the same time. Lots of golden-crowned kinglets as well. 
Large flocks of American Robins moving around as well. Ten in my birdbath at 
the same time!

Without much ice cover this winter, I saw yesterday in the Bay:
Bufflehead   xx
Red-breasted Merganser xx
Common Merganser x
Common Goldeneye xx
Lesser Scaup  xx
Mallards  xx
Ring-billed Gulls xx
Herring Gulls xx
Greater Black-backed Gulls xx

Reports of three Bald Eagles at a time around the east side of the island over 
the last few days.
Lisa Brohl


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