This post didn't seem to go thru so I'm resending--apologies if it did & this is a repeat.===Beautiful morning at the reserve. Was delighted to hear my first Louisiana WT for the year—spring is finally here. I tried to get a glimpse of it as it worked its way downstream but was not successful & it fell silent after a hiker with a dog came up the path. 

There seemed to be a wave of Golden-crowned Kinglets moving through—I saw at least 5 in one area but was running into singles/pairs in other areas. Interesting. Some singing.

There was also a singing Fox Sparrow that gave great views—such a pretty song. Saw one Swamp Sparrow near one of the ponds as well. 

LA Waterthrush
YR Warbler

Sparrows: Fox, Swamp, Field, Song, White-throated
E Towhee
E Phoebe
Golden-crowned Kinglet—several
E Bluebird
Tree Swallow
Pileated WP
Com Grackle
RW Blackbird
Red-shouldered Hawk

At my feeders, Chipping Sparrows & a couple juncos.

Peggy Wang


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