>---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
>Sender:       Alcohol and Temperance History Group <[log in to unmask]>
>Poster:       Ron Roizen <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject:      Re: ATHG and SHAR
>Robert Allan Campbell wrote:
>>I was going through old SHARs and it occurred to me that I have not
>>received one in quite some time. Nor has the ATHG asked me for money
>>lately. The two may be related (although as a full-time student
>>again, I am not looking for more expenses). As well, what happened to
>>the special issues of three journals that have the papers from the
>>International Congress of 1993. I did pay for those. I am not upset,
>>just curious. Can someone enlighten me?
>>Robert Campbell
>>[log in to unmask]
And Ron Roizen wrote>
>Touche, Robert.  SHAR's editor, Scott Haine, tells me that SHAR's next
>issue is in the proofing stage.  I received a fax on Oct 13th from Jack
>Blocker informing me that the special-issue offer (for Contemporary
>Drug Problems and Historie Sociale/Social History) is ready to roll.
>However, I'm just getting around to posting the necessary checks today.
>I don't know how long the special offer's processing will take at the
>distributors' ends of the transaction, but hopefully it won't be too
>long now before SHAR, CDP (2), and Historie Sociale/Social History
>turn up in your mailbox.  Thanks for your patience.
>I would like to add that I got my copies of the dual issue of contemporary
>drug issues arrived today.  I look forward to getting the SHAR soon  Richard