I have written a couple of articles for the forthcoming American National Bio-
graphy (20 vols, Oxford University Press).  Today I received a note from Meg
Dietrich, a Project Editor for the OUP, 27513 (tel. 919, 677-0977, ext. 5293).
She is seeking a people to write the remaining articles on American reformers.
Here are those that may be of interest to ATHG subscribers: Mary Greenleaf C.
Leavitt (d. 1912), WCTU missionary; Cora Frances Stoddard (d. 1936), secretary
of the WCTU's Dept. of Scientific Temperance Instruction; Frederick Howard
Wines (d. 1912), specialist in "pathological research."
David Fahey (Miami Univ., Oxford, OH 45056, USA)