I am researching material to include in what will be a book about alcohol
and substance abuse history for social science students, addiction
counselors and others who may need a simple. easy-to-read reference to
addictions and substance abuse.
I need input from others in this field to give me suggestions for
subjects that they feel have been neglected or not addressed in current
text books on this subject.
If you have any suggestions or comments you would like to share with me,
please respond by sending your comments directly to me by e-mail.
Thayne Andersen
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   //// / // :    : ---         (____  /____(____  /____  >__|_ \(____  /
  // /   /  /`    '--                \/          \/     \/     \/     \/
 //          //..\\          "Many are destined to reason wrongly;
        ====UU====UU====      others, not to reason at all; and others
            '//||\\`          to persecute those who do reason."
              ''``                     -- Voltaire --
  Thayne Andersen