Have learned about you from subabuse group & jointogether.  Very
interested in your group and info available.  Pleaser eply to the
addresses below.  I am am composing at a coffeehouse where I have a samll
e-mail account, but it may be best to send large info or Appplications to
my home base(compuserve). My association is Participatiing in the Hands Off
Halloween- Responsible Merchants Campaign,,, We are posted on the National
Event Calender at the Jointogether web site.  Please include US to you
list or chat lines.  Thaking you in advance.  GBY+GBUA =God Bless You +
God Bless Us All.    Drucilla M. Neeley
T.H.U.M.B.S-U.P. Association tm-c
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also visit underconstructon Webpage--www.coffeeconfig.com/thumbsup