The Oct.-Nov. 96 number of the National Good Templar features the
frontpage headline "Alcohol, Tobacco Issues Heat Up 1997 Presidential
Campaign".  The article reports that the Gallo family donated $55,000
to Clinton and $398,000 to Dole.   The IOGT publication shows
sympathy for Clinton because of his proposal to ban distilled
advertising on TV and because "the largest single contributor to
[Dole's] political campaigns has been the Gallo family, the nation's
largest wine producer."  (The insinuation is that Dole will support
the wine industry's request for approval to advertise that drinking
red wine provides health benefits.)  The National Good Templar does
not mention the large contributions to Clinton from the family that
controls Seagrams.  This newsletter article is the only place where I
have seen any interest in alcohol as a 1996 president issue.  Has
anybody noticed more?
David M. Fahey
History Department
Miami University
Oxford, OH 45056-1618, USA
tel. 513-529-5134
FAX 513-529-3841
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