Dear ATHG-Lers:
From time to time I get email requests from young students or other
questioners about some aspect of alcohol & temperance history--I had
two in my in-box this morning.
I think I'm the primary target for these because of being listed at the
ATHG website.  Often, these requests touch on areas where my knowledge
is weak.  Therefore, I've referred some of these questions to ATHG-L,
hoping someone else would pick up the ball.  One problem with that
approach is that I've never been quite sure any answers were actually
sent the questioner.
Therefore, I'd like humbly to propose the following.
1.  Will ATHG-L members with some knowledge of the questioner's subject
matter kindly regard themselves as needing to put in a measure of
"public service" minutes--and respond to, say, at least one question
every now and then.
2.  Will responders be kind enough either to post their response or a
brief notice that they have responded to ATHG-L (virtually all
questioners will not be ATHG-L members and thus need to be emailed
3.  Might we, in the process of all this, build some sort of repository
of ready resouces (esp. web pages) for questioners--and lodge it
perhaps at our website?
Please give this small proposal some consideration.  I think it is
important that questioners get useful responses from us, and obviously
I can't do the whole job myself.
This morning's two questions follow (in succeeding posts).  Trial
balloons for the above?
Ron Roizen, Ph.D.
voice:  510-848-9123
fax:    510-848-9210
home:   510-848-9098
1818 Hearst Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94703
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