Joe -- a good start is Joe Gusfield's Prohibition: the impact of political
utopianism,  in J. Braeman et al., eds., Change and Continuity in
Twentieth-Century America: The Twenties. Columbus: Ohio State
University Press, 1968.... Much of the data everyone relies on dates
back to Warburton's dissertation, published in 1932 by Columbia
University Press.
   There are various rereadings of Prohibition by one or another side in
the current debates on drug policy.  One thing to keep in mind is that, in
terms of percapita consumption and cirrhosis mortality, places like
Australia and the UK accomplished much the same effects with strict
alcohol controls (not to mention WWI and the global depression) rather
than prohibition.  Robin

>>> Joe Marmo <[log in to unmask]> 05/18/98 12:44am >>>
Could you recommend a book for me to read the effects of prohibition.  I
am curious whether or not it actually worked better than msot people
give it credit for.   And how would it work today?