A new publisher is preparing a revised edition of the Directory of American
Scholars.  On the basis of the "revision form" that I received today the last
edition probably was published in the mid-80s.  (The form lists me as having no
children, but as I type this I seem to have a daughter upstairs who is at least
5-5.)  Presumably the publisher will have little trouble reaching people who
were in the last edition or who appear in the AHA's Departments of History
handbook, but there are many people--esp. independent scholars and people who
teach at community colleges and smaller four-year colleges--who may get missed.
By the way, past editions have defined "American" as "North American" by
residence or nationality.  In any event, here is the address and other
information that I can share:

Gale Research Inc.
835 Penobscot Bldg.
645 Griswold
Detroit, Michigan 48226-9948 (the envelope says 48226-4094)
FAX (313) 961-6815
TEL (313) 961-2242, ext. 1757

I don't have an email address for the Directory American Scholars project.