May 2013


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Ohio birds <[log in to unmask]>
"Steve J." <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 10 May 2013 22:01:37 -0400
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"Steve J." <[log in to unmask]>
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Barring some rare bird tomorrw, what follows is a compilation of all the birds I was able to view on my trip to Magee Marsh. I had a really great week and a day (last Thursday I count as part of this trip...now I just have about 1000 images to sort through. =-O Everything but the sapsucker and black tern were found in Ohio. The sapsucker and Black Terms were at Point Peelee, Canada. I had 129 species for the week, with 30 warblers.

Have a bird filled and blessed week.

Steve Jones

    X    Canada Goose
  X    Trumpeter Swan
    X    Wood Duck
    X    Mallard
    X    Blue-winged Teal
    X    Greater Scaup
    X    Lesser Scaup
    X    Hooded Merganser
    X    Ruddy Duck
    X    Pied-billed Grebe
    X    Double-crested Cormorant
    X    Great Blue Heron
    X    Great Egret
    X    Black-crowned Night-Heron
    X    Turkey Vulture
    X    Bald Eagle
    X    Sora
    X    American Coot
    X    Sandhill Crane
    X    Black-bellied Plover
    X    Killdeer
    X    Solitary Sandpiper
    X    Greater Yellowlegs
    X    Lesser Yellowlegs
    X    Dunlin
    X    American Woodcock
    X    Bonaparte's Gull
    X    Ring-billed Gull
    X    Herring Gull
    X    Caspian Tern
    X    Black Tern
    X    Common Tern
    X    Rock Pigeon
    X    Mourning Dove
    X    Black-billed Cuckoo
    X    Eastern Screech-Owl
    X    Great Horned Owl
    X    Eastern Whip-poor-will
    X    Chimney Swift
    X    Ruby-throated Hummingbird
    X    Red-headed Woodpecker
    X    Red-bellied Woodpecker
    X    Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
    X    Downy Woodpecker
    X    Northern Flicker
    X    Willow Flycatcher
    X    Least Flycatcher
    X    Eastern Phoebe
    X    Great Crested Flycatcher
    X    Eastern Kingbird
    X    White-eyed Vireo
    X    Blue-headed Vireo
    X    Warbling Vireo
    X    Blue Jay
    X    American Crow
    X    Horned Lark
    X    Purple Martin
    X    Tree Swallow
    X    Barn Swallow
    X    Cliff Swallow
    X    Black-capped Chickadee
    X    Tufted Titmouse
    X    Red-breasted Nuthatch
    X    White-breasted Nuthatch
    X    House Wren
    X    Marsh Wren
    X    Carolina Wren
    X    Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
    X    Ruby-crowned Kinglet
    X    Eastern Bluebird
    X    Veery
    X    Gray-cheeked Thrush
    X    Swainson's Thrush
    X    Wood Thrush
    X    American Robin
    X    Gray Catbird
    X    European Starling
    X    Ovenbird
    X    Worm-eating Warbler
    X    Northern Waterthrush
    X    Louisiana/Northern Waterthrush
    X    Blue-winged Warbler
    X    Golden-winged Warbler
    X    Black-and-white Warbler
    X    Prothonotary Warbler
    X    Tennessee Warbler
    X    Nashville Warbler
    X    Mourning Warbler
    X    Kentucky Warbler
    X    Common Yellowthroat
    X    Hooded Warbler
    X    American Redstart
    X    Cape May Warbler
    X    Northern Parula
    X    Magnolia Warbler
    X    Bay-breasted Warbler
    X    Blackburnian Warbler
    X    Yellow Warbler
    X    Chestnut-sided Warbler
    X    Blackpoll Warbler
    X    Black-throated Blue Warbler
    X    Palm Warbler
    X    Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)
    X    Black-throated Green Warbler
    X    Canada Warbler
    X    Wilson's Warbler
    X    Eastern Towhee
    X    Chipping Sparrow
    X    Clay-colored Sparrow
    X    Field Sparrow
    X    Song Sparrow
    X    Swamp Sparrow
    X    White-throated Sparrow
    X    White-crowned Sparrow
    X    Dark-eyed Junco
    X    Scarlet Tanager
    X    Northern Cardinal
    X    Rose-breasted Grosbeak
    X    Indigo Bunting
    X    Red-winged Blackbird
    X    Eastern Meadowlark
    X    Common Grackle
    X    Brown-headed Cowbird
    X    Orchard Oriole
    X    Baltimore Oriole
    X    House Finch
    X    Pine Siskin
    X    American Goldfinch
    X    House Sparrow
Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.


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