August 2014


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rob thorn <[log in to unmask]>
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rob thorn <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 28 Aug 2014 21:49:37 -0400
text/plain (24 lines)
I spent around an hour and a half in stops at several wooded parks around the eastern margin of Port of Columbus, including Whitehall Community Park, Pizzuro Park, and Price Road Park, the latter 2 in Gahanna.  Because of their position along a bend in Big Walnut Creek around the airport, these parks can accumulate some strays & migrants.  Today's finds included:

Osprey - at least 1 was flying down Big Walnut Creek, being shadowed by a resident Red-tailed hawk
Great Horned Owl- 1 was at Price Rd Park.  This area is one of the last areas in urban Columbus to hold resident GHOWs
Hummingbirds - 5-6. scattered over all 3 sites, which is a good number here
Nighthawk - only had 1 here the prior evening.  Has anyone seen big flocks this month around Columbus?
Red-headed Woodpecker - an adult was at Whitehall Community Park, one of the few areas here with fair #s of oak trees.
Flycatchers - nothing by E.Wood Pewees, but they were very common, with 12+ in the time span
Vireos - not much, other than single singing Warbling and Red-eyed.
Wrens,Gnatcatchers - 3 House Wrens and 3 Gnatcatchers was about average for this area
Thrushes - a Wood Thrush was giving an alarm call at Price Rd, possibly because of the GHOW there.
Warblers - a scattering of migrants, topped by 3 Black&Whites, along with single Magnolia, Blackpoll, Wilson's, and Redstart, all fall juveniles except the Black&Whites


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