September 2008


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Matt Vosniak <[log in to unmask]>
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Matt Vosniak <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 3 Sep 2008 12:05:36 -0400
text/plain (48 lines)
Hey Folks,

After reading the post from this past weekend about the mudflats being 
decent again at Lorain I decided to check it out this morning.  The entire 
eastern and western sides are nothing but mudflats.  I thought the filling 
being done there was a lot of water but it was mostly mud.  There is 
virtually no water on either side except for small puddles or narrow 
channels otherwise there is little standing water just wet mud.  I started 
up the eastern side and about half way down there was some pockets of 
shorebirds. There was semi-palmated plovers and sandpipers and some least 
sandpipers as far as I could make out.  I also heard what sounded like two 
rails possibly soras but I could not find them on the opposite side in the 
weeds.  A little farther down on the eastern end was a single short-billed 
dowitcher.  The north pond is still quite full of water.  The western side 
was where the action was though this morning.  The western side is kind of 
broken into two sections the more northern section of the west side was 
LOADED with shorebirds.  I am not the best at IDing birds that are more 
uncommon but I know I saw the same birds as the eastern side and some 
pectorals along with some sandpipers that looked larger than the semi-
palms and leasts.  A more experienced birder would be able to tell as many 
birds were close.  Another birder who was there with a scope was able to 
find two soras on the far side of the pond and then a juvenile sora popped 
out about ten feet in front of us in the same section.  In the more 
southern section of the west side I was able to see one Wilson's Snipe 
along with many other birds.  

Sorry I am not able to give good numbers or ID's but Lorain is worth 
checking out right now.  Like I said earlier there is very little water on 
either the eastern or western side and with no rain perdicted the sides 
will dry up fast. My only suggestion is to REALLY REALLY get your bug 
spray on heavy.  I have NEVER ever saw mosquitos anywhere as bad as what's 
at Lorain right now.  I think I got bit at least hundred times and I had 
bug spray on.  I apparently missed some spots. 

Take Care,



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