September 2015


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Wes Hatch <[log in to unmask]>
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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 9 Sep 2015 13:18:15 -0400626_utf-8 Readers might be interested in looking over posts that appeared on this
list in this week during this week in 2003. By this year, Vic Fazio's
dedicated single-handed attentions had enabled observers to share
information, etc. on Ohio's birds for a number of years, and he had
handed the listserve to the new Ohio Ornithological Society, which has
managed it since. There are over a hundred posts in this document
covering that week, and readers might enjoy reliving the anticipations
of Hurricane Isabel, the coverage of the state at that time, and seeing
the names of other birders who for [...][log in to unmask]
Fri, 4 Sep 2015 18:49:20 -0400
text/plain (20 lines)
Today I birded within Geauga County and I was able to find a few good rarities: 2 Bairds Sandpipers, 1 Stilt Sandpiper. 

A single Stilt and Bairds Sandpiper were at LaDue Reservoir--auburn rd. and another Bairds was at Headwaters Park. Headwaters has great habitat for a Buff-breasted but after looking for an hour I could not find one.

Overall I had 10 species of shorebirds and 11 species of warbler.

Wes Hatch

Sent from my iPhone

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