June 2007


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Print Reply
Bob Faber <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Bob Faber <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 30 Jun 2007 12:04:57 -0700
text/plain (246 lines)
On Saturday morning at about 8:45 a.m. a pair of
sandhill cranes with two young (colts) were foraging
on the west side of Rapids Rd. about 1 mile south of
the State Rt. 82 near Burton in Geauga County.  The
family group was in mowed grass about 20 yards from
the road.  During 2006 adults and were also seen in
this same area.

Bob Faber

--- OHIO-BIRDS automatic digest system
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> There are 17 messages totalling 875 lines in this
> issue.
> Topics of the day:
>   1. kingfishers? (4)
>   2. Block question for Jason Estep - please contact
> me
>   3. FW: [Ohio-birds] Block question for Jason Estep
> - Block ID correction
>   4. Ohio Statewide RBA, 29 June 2007
>   5. Upland Sandpiper Update/not found/Ross C.
>   6. Little Beaver Creek Kingfishers
>   7. Miss. Kite & Summer Tanager
>   8. Eurasian Collared -Doves 6/29/2007
>   9. Hoover Nature Preserve, Delaware County - Atlas
> Block 58C3NW
>  10. Cliff Swallows
>  11. Mississippi Kite
>  12. King Rail- Yes
>  13. Hooded Merganser
>  14. Great Egrets and ? Glaucous Gull
> Ohio-birds mailing list, a service of the Ohio
> Ornithological Society.
> Our thanks to Miami University for hosting this
> mailing list.
> Additional discussions can be found in our forums,
> at www.ohiobirds.org/forum/.
> You can join or leave the list, or change your
> options, at:
> Send questions or comments about the list to:
> [log in to unmask]
> Date:    Fri, 29 Jun 2007 07:33:28 -0400
> From:    Keith Tarvin <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: kingfishers?
> A colleague of mine has been doing survey work along
> several rivers in
> northeast Ohio. He commented that he has been struck
> by a lack of
> kingfishers on the rivers this year. After he
> mentioned it, I realized
> that I haven't been hearing kingfishers along the
> stretch of the
> Vermilion River that passes by my house either. Has
> anyone else noticed
> a dearth of kingfishers this year, at least on
> northeastern rivers, or
> can we chalk this up to "casual sampling"?
> Keith Tarvin
> Oberlin
> Ohio-birds mailing list, a service of the Ohio
> Ornithological Society.
> Our thanks to Miami University for hosting this
> mailing list.
> Additional discussions can be found in our forums,
> at www.ohiobirds.org/forum/.
> You can join or leave the list, or change your
> options, at:
> Send questions or comments about the list to:
> [log in to unmask]
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Fri, 29 Jun 2007 08:15:11 EDT
> From:    Howard Mueller <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: kingfishers?
> I have lived in an apartment overlooking a quarry
> lake near downtown
> Columbus for four years.  There is a breeding pair
> that has occupied that  lake and
> the adjoining section of the Scioto River for that
> entire time, and is
> apparently doing quite well.
> Howard Mueller
> Columbus, OH
> A  colleague of mine has been doing survey work
> along several rivers  in
> northeast Ohio. He commented that he has been struck
> by a lack  of
> kingfishers on the rivers this year. After he
> mentioned it, I  realized
> that I haven't been hearing kingfishers along the
> stretch of  the
> Vermilion River that passes by my house either. Has
> anyone else  noticed
> a dearth of kingfishers this year, at least on
> northeastern rivers,  or
> can we chalk this up to "casual sampling"?
> Keith  Tarvin
> Oberlin
> Ohio-birds  mailing list, a service of the Ohio
> Ornithological Society.
> Our thanks to  Miami University for hosting this
> mailing list.
> Additional discussions can  be found in our forums,
> at
> www.ohiobirds.org/forum/.
> You can join or  leave the list, or change your
> options,  at:
> Send  questions or comments about the list to:
> [log in to unmask]
> ************************************** See what's
> free at http://www.aol.com.
> Ohio-birds mailing list, a service of the Ohio
> Ornithological Society.
> Our thanks to Miami University for hosting this
> mailing list.
> Additional discussions can be found in our forums,
> at www.ohiobirds.org/forum/.
> You can join or leave the list, or change your
> options, at:
> Send questions or comments about the list to:
> [log in to unmask]
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Fri, 29 Jun 2007 09:00:27 -0400
> From:    Margaret Bowman <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Block question for Jason Estep - please
> contact me
> Jason,
> There is a nesting pair of Cooper's hawks, with
> fledged young, south of the
> waterworks dam.  I'm not sure if the nest is in your
> block or mine.  Have
> you seen these birds?  Do you have a GPS device, so
> that we could determine
> exactly where the boundary is between 59D6CE (yours)
> and 59D6SW (mine)?
> Thanks,
> Margaret
> Ohio-birds mailing list, a service of the Ohio
> Ornithological Society.
> Our thanks to Miami University for hosting this
> mailing list.
> Additional discussions can be found in our forums,
> at www.ohiobirds.org/forum/.
> You can join or leave the list, or change your
> options, at:
> Send questions or comments about the list to:
> [log in to unmask]
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Fri, 29 Jun 2007 09:03:38 -0400
> From:    Margaret Bowman <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: FW: [Ohio-birds] Block question for Jason
> Estep - Block ID correction
=== message truncated ===

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Ohio-birds mailing list, a service of the Ohio Ornithological Society.
Our thanks to Miami University for hosting this mailing list.
Additional discussions can be found in our forums, at www.ohiobirds.org/forum/.

You can join or leave the list, or change your options, at:
Send questions or comments about the list to: [log in to unmask]