April 2016


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rob thorn <[log in to unmask]>
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rob thorn <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 9 Apr 2016 13:02:32 -0400
text/plain (34 lines)
The dusting of snow made for a cold,pretty morning, but also seems to have created a good fallout of temperate migrants.  I spent a few hours between BlacklickWoods MetroPark and nearby Reynoldsburg Civic Park, and had quite a few temperate migrants. Many were hiding in the wooded areas at both parks, both to stay out of the wind and to take advantage of less snow cover for foraging. Notables included:

N.Flickers - 6-8 at each park
Sapsucker - 8 along the wooded trails at BlacklickWoods
E.Phoebe - 4 along the forest trails at Blacklick Woods
BrownCreeper - 4-5 at each park
WinterWren - 4 at Blacklick Woods, 2 at Reynoldsburg Civic
Kinglets - lots of Golden-cr. (10-15 at each park); much fewer Ruby-cr.
Blue-GrayGnatcatcher - my FOS was a bird gleaning in the narrow woodland at Reynoldsburg Civic
HermitThrush - good fallout, with 11-12 at Blacklick, and another 5 at Reynoldsburg Civic
BrownThrasher - 1 along Beech-Maple Loop at Blacklick Woods
AmericanPipit - a small flock of 6 was in the fields at Reynoldsburg Civic
Warblers - only Yellow-rumped, with 12-14 in the wooded areas of Blacklick Woods
E.Towhee - 8 were along the trails at Blacklick, while Reynoldsburg Civic had 2
Tree Sparrows - 2 very late birds were along the trail at Blacklick Woods
Field Sparrows - 6-7 were at Blacklick Woods, mostly around the woods edge
Chipping Sparrows - 2-3 were at Blacklick, mostly along the wood edge
Savannah Sparrow - 1 was foraging in the open fields at Reynoldsbug Civic
Fox Sparrow - 1 was singing along the Beech-Maple loop at Blacklick Woods
White-throateds - small flocks in many locations at both parks
Junco - flocks totaling 40 birds at Blacklick Woods
Blackbirds - plenty of Redwings, grakles, & Cowbirds at Blacklick Woods, but no Rusties


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