September 2008


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"Donald Morse, Jr." <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Donald Morse, Jr.
Sun, 14 Sep 2008 14:00:29 -0400
text/plain (63 lines)
In reference to Ike remains...

The lights are dimming here in Southern Clermont co. as I write this
and there are many power outages.  There are numerous trees down, a
utility pole snapped, roads blocked, etc. around the county with some
structural damage as well per my scanner.  Winds are gusting locally
to 55mph with 36mph sustained winds.  There is a lot of stuff flying
through the air here currently.  The center is now in Indiana (2pm)
and the eye remnant has collapsed.  It is partly sunny where I am at.
It still has a lot of energy with it, so it might be worth keeping an
eye out in the w/nw part of the state.  From research, Ohio is on the
"good" side of the storm for birds.

Don Morse Jr

On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 12:26 PM, Kenn Kaufman
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> The last mention of Hurricane Ike that I saw on this listserve reflected the
> earlier prediction that the remains of Ike would pass over n.w. Ohio around
> 2 a.m. on Monday.  Since that time, the forward motion of the storm has
> picked up considerably.  The center of the storm is over southern Illinois
> right now (about noon on Sunday) and is predicted to pass over n.w. Ohio
> late this afternoon, with strong wind advisories in effect from 2 pm to 10
> pm.  One of the weather models that I saw had the highest winds in the
> Toledo area around 5 pm.   We're likely to see heavy rain, thunderstorms,
> winds of more than 30 mph with gusts possibly well over 40 mph.   So far,
> looking at listserves from farther south, I haven't seen mention of anything
> more exotic than Sooty Tern and Mag Frigatebird, and I don't know if there's
> any chance that storm-related birds might reach Ohio.  But the weather is
> likely to be bad for a while this afternoon, and that's a reason to either
> go out looking (at your own risk) or hunker down indoors, depending on how
> crazy you are.
> Ike caused a huge amount of damage in Texas, and in talking about possible
> storm-related bird occurrences, I don't mean in any way to be making light
> of the destruction and suffering caused by the storm.
> Kenn Kaufman
> Oak Harbor, Ohio
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