Emil Bacik and I spent the morning and early-afternoon hours along the lakefront
near Huron yesterday. After hearing several dismal reports from Lorain, we
elected to head back to Huron Pier once again in the early afternoon. in hopes
that the jaeger would return or we'd be able to sift something out of the 1500
or so Bonies present. Here were the highlights:
PARASITIC JAEGER 1 light-phase ad. - after rousting up every Bonaparte's on
the river, this bird headed west over the pier, passing nearly directly
overhead; we watched it give slight harrassment to a resting group of gulls on
the lake, then head west out of sight; there was no doubt about the bird being a
Parasitic after such fantastic, especially profile, views - warmer brown overall
and plain white-bellied, slight-bodied and neither thick-chested nor bellied,
with much thinner wing-base, lacking a "double-flash, (which we should have seen
at that distance)" dark bill, wingspan shorter in direct comparison to
several Ring-billed Gulls
Glaucous Gull 1 1st-cycle - same bird that's been hanging here
Lesser Black-backed Gull 2 1st-cycle, ad.
Common Redpoll 2 flyovers
At nearby Sherod Park, there were 1000 or so gulls gathered nearshore (a typical
day here usually produces about 50 gulls), and among them three Lesser
Black-backeds - 1st-cycle, 3rd-cycle, and ad. birds.
Good birding -
Gabe Leidy
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