April 2008


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Tom Bartlett <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Tom Bartlett <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 21 Apr 2008 11:54:05 -0400
text/plain (110 lines)
Sunday, April 20 we conducted the monthly Kelleys Island census.  This is
the eleventh year for an April census.  Weather was mid-40's to low 50's,
overcast with periods of light rain, winds 3-10 mph out of west then north.
Participants included myself, Paula Bartlett, Sandy Tkach, and Tom Behlen.  
71 species were observed on the census and 3468 individuals with 2
additional species observed on the island but not on the census route.  The
eleven year average is 67 species with 4547 individuals.  So our species
numbers were above average but individual number were below.  Tufted
Titmouse was new for an April census and only the third or forth observed
over eleven years of census routes.  A single Broad-winged Hawk was observed
after the route and Sandy Tkach still has a pair of Common Redpolls coming
to her feeders.  Unfortunately, the feeders are not along the census route.
Surprisingly missing from the census were Great Black-backed Gull and
Golden-crowned Kinglet.  In fact, gulls were few and far between.

2       Common Loon
108     Double-crested Cormorant
25      Great Blue Heron
29      Canada Goose
2       Wood Duck
58      Mallard
70      Lesser Scaup
122     Bufflehead
2       Hooded Merganser
77      Red-breasted Merganser
2       Turkey Vulture
2       Bald Eagle
1       Sharp-shinned Hawk
*       Broad-winged Hawk
1       Red-tailed Hawk
1       Merlin
3       Sora
9       Killdeer
1       Solitary Sandpiper
19      Bonaparte's Gull
4       Ring-billed Gull
58      Herring Gull
3       Mourning Dove
1       Eastern Screech-Owl
1       Belted Kingfisher
6       Red-bellied Woodpecker
1       Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
22      Downy Woodpecker
1       Hairy Woodpecker
5       Northern Flicker
3       Eastern Phoebe
8       Blue Jay
21      American Crow
11      Purple Martin
217     Tree Swallow
21      Northern Rough-winged Swallow
44      Barn Swallow
34      Black-capped Chickadee
1       Tufted Titmouse
3       Red-breasted Nuthatch
2       White-breasted Nuthatch
4       Brown Creeper
3       Carolina Wren
2       House Wren
1       Winter Wren
11      Ruby-crowned Kinglet
1       Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
2       Hermit Thrush
246     American Robin
7       Brown Thrasher
142     European Starling
7       Yellow Warbler
11      Yellow-rumped Warbler
2       Pine Warbler
4       "Western" Palm Warbler
63      Northern Cardinal
4       Eastern Towhee
117     Chipping Sparrow
1       Field Sparrow
2       Song Sparrow
2       Swamp Sparrow
19      White-throated Sparrow
2       White-crowned Sparrow
5       Dark-eyed Junco
668     Red-winged Blackbird
1       Eastern Meadowlark
4       Rusty Blackbird
961     Common Grackle
64      Brown-headed Cowbird
89      House Finch
*       Common Redpoll
7       American Goldfinch
15      House Sparrow

71      Total species
3468    Total individuals

* = observed on island on census day but not on census route.

Tom Bartlett
Tiffin, Ohio
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